Serving Our Local Charities
Garrison Corellia is a group of community-minded volunteers serving all parts of West Virginia. The Garrison is part of the 501st Legion, a world-wide costuming organization that specializes in portraying characters from the Star Wars universe, specifically the more nefarious characters who are part of the Empire.
Garrison Corellia is very focused on charity work. Throughout the year, Garrison members take part in a wide array of charitable events where they celebrate and promote the Star Wars universe and most importantly entertain and bring smiles to faces young and old.
2019 Charity Efforts
The members of Garrison Corellia would like to thank you for helping us raise $7,145 in 2019. Garrison Corellia is proud to serve the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, American Cancer Society, Toys for Tots, Salvation Army, and Children’s House of WV, just to name a few. 35% of our events served charities in 2019. We look forward to continuing our relationship with the charities we’ve worked with in 2019 and are excited to participate with others in the coming year!
Garrison Corellia Charity Partners: